Joomla Web Design

Post Title: 
Chapter 1 | Get to know about Joomla


Video Transcript:

 Welcome to the first tutorial in the ebook Joomla 2.5 made easy. In this video you will have a brief introduction to Joomla... ...and what it is made of. The home page of Joomla is: Joomla is free web-based software  ...which allows you to create and manage the whole website. Because it’s free and easy to use Joomla is one of the word’s most popular open source CMS. With Joomla, you can build many kinds of website.  Joomla gives you the tools and power to build hi technology sites standard site forum shopping carts photo gallery and so much more... There are 2 parts of the system:  “front-end” and “back-end”. Here is the front end ... what people see when they access your website.

Back-end is the administration area...  where you can control your website.  The access is provided via special login page  and only for users with special permission. Now, let’s explore the main parts of Joomla! Basically they are Content,  Menus, Users and Extensions. In Joomla, content consists of:  ...articles, categories and media. Articles are main building blocks of a Joomla website.  In the front-end you can easily recognize an article... article as a piece of text with images presented...  in main content area. ... such as this part. You can see the paragraph text and image in this article.  Articles are created and managed in the back-end. You can access Article manager directly... from the control panel. Or you can access via menu “Content” then click “Article Manager” Here, you can see all articles you created with menu ways to control them.

 You can create new articles, edit them... choose to publish or unpublish, etc.  And you can easy use filter to find the kind of articles you want or you can search the title of article to access it.  To manage your articles more conveniently,  you could use Categories.  In the “back-end”, categories are managed in “Category Manager”.  access via menu “Content” then click “Category Manager”. Here, you can create new categories, edit them, ... choose to publish or unpublish, etc One important part in article is media.  As you can see in this example, media is a photo slideshow.  And in the bottom, there are three separated images.  All media can be managed in Media manager in the back-end.  You can access via menu “Content then click "Media Manager”. Here you can control all media you used for your website.  Media can be put in many folders. You can create new media folder, upload files.  We will discuss more about it in Chapter 3:... "Create content for your Joomla site". We will continue with Menus. You can create multiple menus ... menus and configure them to be shown at different locations Menus help website visitors ...

To navigate and see all parts of the website. To control menus, go to the menu “Menus” then click "Menu manager". Here you can create menus and menu items...  to any part of the website you want. There are 3 default menu type:  Main menu Top menu  and Footer menu.  When menu is ready you will to create menu module... present it in front-end. Next part is about Users.  Joomla allows your website to have multiple users registered.

 You control Users in menu Users  then click "User manager". All users are arranged in user groups,  which have access permission to certain part of the website. You can make many groups to define your users.  For example: Users assigned to “Author” group ... can post and edit articles in both back-end and front-end. The most important part of Joomla is extensions.  Extensions are specially written software... be plugged to Joomla...  in order to extend website functionality.  For example, in this website has a photo slideshow...

Then it must have extensions to show it.  Or you can see the social channel buttons in the footer. It also controlled by extensions.  In the Joomla Administration, you can see menu “Extensions”.  There are 5 basic types of extensions: component, module, plug-in,  template and language. Component is the most complex type of extension.  You will control them in menu Components. By default, Joomla is shipped with some components.  For example you can see feed list...  generated by component “Newsfeeds”.  The content produced by a component...  is displayed in the main content area. Another kind of extension is module,  what you will control in Module Manager under Extensions menu. It performs simple tasks and displays content... small blocks hanging around the page.  . Examples of module can be search box,...  login form, copyright information, etc. The third kind is plug-in.  Plug-in is designed to display content...  ...inside components and modules.  An example of plug-in you might see is... “Read more…” button standing below articles. Plug-in can perform tasks at certain points during website loading. Template is the graphical presentation of your website.  By default, Joomla comes with three templates:  “Atomic”, “Beez_20” and “Beez5” There are thousands templates available,...

so you can definitely choose the one for yourself.  In this case I choose JSN Epic pro.  The last kind of extension is language.  Language allows you to run your site in more than one language.  So you can use your favorite language  for your Joomla site and administration. All additional Joomla extensions...  are available at Joomla Extension Directory: This is the official directory of Joomla extension .....maintained by Joomla core team themselves.  The extensions are divided in many categories, you can choose kind of extensions you want..... or search for it.  So now you have little insight about what is Joomla.  Next video, I will show you how to install...  ..Joomla 2.5.x on your localhost. Thank you for watching.  You can keep in touch with us on FB and Twitter ...with username JoomlaShine.. 


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